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I love the organization of the elements, the sounds and the drivability of the car. We could collaborate together to add crazy things to the scene. For example, buildings falling, congratulations for that creativity. I really liked the user interface, the very well-selected text effects and colors.

Guys, I have pushed a new version with sounds, a new camera perspective and animations... Also THE RESET BUTTOM, enjoy it and thanks for the feedbacks :D


The number of obstacles to face makes it very interesting due to the skill you must have to be able to advance, which makes it very entertaining. I think the only thing I see so far is the management of the camera location because it is difficult to see because the buildings hinder the direction in which you move :)


Looks really nice! I agree with the reset button as well of think some way the camera could avoid getting into the buildings when turning the car 

I'm on it, thanks for the feedback! :D

(1 edit) (+1)

The scene is awesome, it looks so good. However, you could add a restart button, because is too easy to die.

I'm working for adding the button, many thanks for the feedback :D


The models are very good! Consistency is maintained with the art of poly models.

Maybe you could add a try again button so you don't have to reload the page.

The button is something necessary, I will implemented, thanks for the feedback!


Looks amazing, gorgeous scenery and cars. 

I think the camera should be positioned higher, so the buildings dont get in the way. Also, the pizzas should be floating so they catch your eye faster.

The player controller is great, really smooth!

Many thanks! I'll work on it :D



Thanks! :D